Mini Lunchtime Concert at CAIS
This was a project that I created in 2016 during my second year of teaching at my former school in China. The rationale behind this project was to provide students a platform to showcase their talents. I noticed that there are many talented students in the school, however, due to the cultural differences, these students would not have a chance to express their musicality.
The mini lunchtime concert was held once a month for one week each time during the last 20 minutes of the lunchtime outside the cafeteria. Students can sign up in advance for a 5-minute slot and they can perform any genre of music in any form and style. The project was originally for secondary students, however, it attracted some primary school students and classroom teachers. Some homeroom teachers would take their class to come and enjoy the music after students finish their lunch.
For more performance videos, please check out my YouTube Channel.